This captivating photo, taken by photographer John L. is just one of the hundreds of multi-dimensional photos that will be unveiled at the 2018 ASV Photo Exhibition June 8-10. Spread the word! Share this invitation with your family, friends and work colleagues and encourage them to come meet the artists and experience this unique gallery opening event. After Supper Visions: Developing Film, Talent and Hope.
Artist Statements
I have been in the show for 3 years. I love taking pictures outdoors. The way the shadows fall, the way the color grows and flower. City life catches my eyes!
Roberta J.My second time trying this medium for expression. I usually draw, paint or write. But this turned out to be very helpful in choosing what to capture on film. Also why to capture on film. So I can only say if it looks interesting I try to capture the interest.
Charles F.Be free to express yourself through the love of art of the art you love.
Jerrell C.I like to talk to others and see a new life Time is not good, I don have a job or home. Working for it all but pictures and the photo project are helping me to look up. Being with friends at the photo project has helped me.
John L.This is my second year doing the After Supper Visions show. I really enjoyed it. Last year I took the picture of the rose during the Christmas dinner at Catholic Charities, a reflection of another building hitting the garage made an interesting light show and a mirror image on glass with dancing rain on a stormy night.
Tracey B.My photos reflect how I see the city of Chicago. My city is so beautiful in so many ways in how I see it.
Anthony B.The one thing I love about art is that it is relaxing. I love nature, the flowers, plants and landscape. The two pictures of the landscape, the one with the water was in the Gurnee area. It is so beautiful up there! The second one was taken in McHenry County. The tulip picture was just a random one. I was caught in the rain, I thought, “wow, the water droplets on the tulip, this will make a great picture”. I hope that we, as humans, will not destroy the beauty of our Planet!
Andre C.First, I would like to thank God for allowing me to grace the company of such loving people and their gracious hearts of compassion. Catholic Charities After Supper Visions project has been a lifesaver for me. To view the world as it truly is in all its splendor. The chance to inspire is my middle name when it comes to photography. Thanks to all involved.
Ralph W.I love photography. My late uncle was a photographer before he became a businessman. I love photography for the light, the color, the shadows, and all the varied shapes and dimensions. It is a wonderful hobby, and could turn out to be an extremely interesting profession. It’s also a fun way to be an artist.
Daniel G.I wanted to take pictures of the Cubs celebration because this is the first time they won since 1908. Who knows when they will do it again. Hopefully the Cubs will win in 200, too!
Ronald G.I live here in Chicago. I am an artist that really appreciate what Catholic Charities is doing with the photography sessions. Looking forward to doing more photo events with them.
Lamont S.It was a hard discussion to come up with all these very creative statements. It is the beauty a person can capture that gives me complete joy.
Maurice B.I like to take photos and the pictures I took. It is awesome!
Maurice C.I love photography. It is great fun. I really enjoyed the classes and learning how to take pictures. Everybody at Catholic Charities has been so nice, and I am very grateful to them.
Daniel G.When the light came this morning of this day God created a great view, it formed out to be a great picture, and that leaves a great memory in your mind.
Mills L.The Catholic Charities is where I spend time doing things I like to do like taking photos of Chicago and yoga and whatever they have but most of all is taking photography.
Maurice C.The photography class was great. It gave me a chance to be creative and to see the beauty of God.
Tracey M.A very short summary about me. I am originally from Louisville, Kentucky. I have been living all over American streets since I was 16 years old. I have raised myself, so, trust Christianity and fairytales are my childhood. It does not exist, so I have been anti- social most of my life. It may be possible for me to learn how to become more sociable and a trade for a career in photography.
Shawn S.This is my seventh year in the photo show and I love to take pictures of trees and plants outdoors. I like how the shadows fall on the shot. My best picture is the tree with sunshine just on the front.
Jerry T.I enjoy the class.
Roosevelt B.Up a Creek Be Still The Road to Oz Dr. Who
Barry G.I love the way Chicago is. It is my kind of town. I take pictures.
Ralph C.I was born and raised in Chicago. A city of big buildings and beautiful people. When I take pictures this is my way to express myself, using the camera. I love it.
Robert N.The heavens are higher than the earth symbolized by the globe, it is even higher than the Willis tower aka Sears Tower. It is higher than the flags along with the Willis Tower, and the new Ferris Wheel featured at Navy Pier. To err may be human, but heaven is always divine, and such are we.
Cheryl H.I like to take pictures of the places I used to stay at when I was homeless. These photos remind me of my past, and the After Supper Visions Program is helping me move forward to a better place.
James L.These three shots were done during the late day because I was trying to capture shade, light and shadow to produce a scene that would be appealing and comfortable to the eye. The third shot with bike was an expression of reflection, light, and shadow.
Maurice P.Taking pictures makes me feel cool and warm. I like photography. I am so grateful for the scenery that cameras give me. God gave me some vision because I am legally blind but still can see the beauty of life.
James F.I am so proud and humbled to be in this show. I have for so long been called a loser, good for nothing, never amount to anything person. Today I know I am none of those negative things. Having been clean and sober for seven years I can truly say I feel a part of something good. I see myself as being a photographer and an artist. I’m grateful for this social opportunity. I thank God for everyone involved in making this event successful.
Andy A.It is my expression of my photography of my life vision is the vision of my life in the world of beauty.
James L.I thank God for blessing me to get in this class; it has helped me a lot and I am happy about it, very happy. I thank you all for this class and my beautiful pictures.
Mattie R.Photography is an art and I pray that my pictures are a good example of my talent as an artist.
Gerald G.I am so glad that there is that thing called After Supper Visions. I look forward to the show each year. It give me another reason to be a happy person. To see things and record them is magic. I am grateful that we can share this wonderful moment.
Denis D.I like taking pictures hoping that someone will be inspired by what Chicago looks like through my vision of what I see.
Bobby L.Bike photo: I wanted a straight photo with a diagonal feel to it. I thought it was cool to take a photo like this. I tried to grasp a photo that no one else takes – a unique perspective. I like my photos to be an art piece hung in someone’s living room or office space.
Anthony B.I enjoy taking pictures of nature. That’s why I chose four pictures of birds from my day at the zoo. I’m inspired by the colors, background, and beauty.
Elizabeth M.Please find smiles inside…
Mia G.Back to the show again. I love coming here. The pictures let me be creative. I like talking to the people that come to the show and I like to see the pictures of the other artists in the show. I take the camera with me everywhere I go. I always have my eyes open for different pictures that might jump out at me…This year I was at one of the races in Chicago and lucky enough that the city closed off the streets. I was able to take some pictures of the streets of Chicago without any traffic.… Read more
Mike B.I love the “poetry” photo. When I was 14 years old Gwendolyn Brooks visited my High School and read her poems. It was my first introduction to a Poet Laureate. Ms. Brooks explained to my class the definition of a Poet Laureate. Ms. Brooks literally spoke these words “We Real Cool.” After Supper Visions teachers have inspired me. They are the reason why I took these photos.
Kim J.It was winter and it had snowed for the first time of the season so I wanted to capture the Picasso in the snow.
William H.Where do we go when we go. Do you know yet life goes on. Life at time could feel like a cage. Most people have no idea it exist be it up top or at the bottom, we are all seeking of some sort of freedom.
Shawn B.