In my pictures, I have captured the beauty in objects and places with different medium, which allows me to express unique pictures.
Artist Statements
My name is Ms. Sandra, I am pleased to see and continue my insight of the 2018 photos. Please enjoy.
Sandra J.It is amazing to join the 2017 photo show. Welcome to Chicago. A) L Train going south on Orleans St. B) A local “lodge” bar on Division and State. C) Eye catching of trees with different direction. D) Here we Chicagoans still have rules.
Sandra J.Winter comes to Spring in Douglas Park. A hidden jewel on Chicago’s west side is ready for its close up.
Kurt J.The sky is always open for us. Sometimes low, sometimes high, like our goals, short or long. Keep trying; keep working, eventually we will be there. Photography lets me share with others. We can see the different points of view, even seeing the same objects; like our lives.
Manami M.Back to the show again. I love coming here. The pictures let me be creative. I like talking to the people that come to the show and I like to see the pictures of the other artists in the show. I take the camera with me everywhere I go. I always have my eyes open for different pictures that might jump out at me…This year I was at one of the races in Chicago and lucky enough that the city closed off the streets. I was able to take some pictures of the streets of Chicago without any traffic.… Read more
Mike B.I enjoy everything about the project. The day I took the photos, it was a bright, sunny day.
Regina H.I was so vain at one time until I finally opened my eyes in this photo and seen the world as a whole, our people and places and art come together in our religion as one.
Andrea C.Photography puts us in the Here and Now. It teaches us beauty, and therefore life itself is fleeting.
Vernon J.I am so proud and humbled to be in this show. I have for so long been called a loser, good for nothing, never amount to anything person. Today I know I am none of those negative things. Having been clean and sober for seven years I can truly say I feel a part of something good. I see myself as being a photographer and an artist. I’m grateful for this social opportunity. I thank God for everyone involved in making this event successful.
Andy A.It was a hard discussion to come up with all these very creative statements. It is the beauty a person can capture that gives me complete joy.
Maurice B.The Catholic Charities “After Supper Visions Photography”. This career of 17 years has brought out my hidden artistic talent thanks to the “Master Teacher, Jody” of the photography program.
Margaret A.First, I would like to thank God for allowing me to grace the company of such loving people and their gracious hearts of compassion. Catholic Charities After Supper Visions project has been a lifesaver for me. To view the world as it truly is in all its splendor. The chance to inspire is my middle name when it comes to photography. Thanks to all involved.
Ralph W.Where do we go when we go. Do you know yet life goes on. Life at time could feel like a cage. Most people have no idea it exist be it up top or at the bottom, we are all seeking of some sort of freedom.
Shawn B.In my pictures, I have captured the beauty in objects and places with different medium, which allows me to express unique pictures.
Herman H.My photos reflect how I see the city of Chicago. My city is so beautiful in so many ways in how I see it.
Anthony B.A Weekend in the Swamp I’m Happy to be back in the show. It is a wonderful place to show my work and see the other artists’ work. I was lucky enough to go to Georgia with a friend to the Okefenokee Wildlife Refuge. I would like to share some photos of the prehistoric place.
Mike B.I like the photography because it makes me feel like I’ve done something important.
Love S.I started taking photos as a hobby. I was bored with a lot of free time. I started paying attention to the scenery that I took for granted every day. For example, sunrise, moon and sunshine. As dusk starts to settle in that’s when things get calm and relaxing, my perfect time for photos/photography.
Tommy L.Had a good time doing it. Hope you love them as much as I do.
Paul S.I love the After Supper Visions program. It has made me become more appreciative of photography. A picture can say a lot of words. One is love for the ASV program…
Lamont B.Up a Creek Be Still The Road to Oz Dr. Who
Barry G.When the light came this morning of this day God created a great view, it formed out to be a great picture, and that leaves a great memory in your mind.
Mills L.We only must tap into the very inter beings of our souls to awaken the art forms in us all. If you do not enjoy what you are doing you will never be good at it. By Luke Parker. If you don’t start somewhere, you’re gonna go nowhere. By Bob Marley. When you photograph people in color you photograph their clothes. When you photograph people in black and white you photograph their soul. Hippy Ted Grant
Deborah A.Photography is an art and I pray that my pictures are a good example of my talent as an artist.
Gerald G.I enjoy photography. It brings back memories when I was smart kid, who loved my teachers. Teachers who took the time and showed us how much fun it was to learn. We went on field trips, that was exciting to us when I was in grammar school and high school.
Regina H.Photography is a recording of expression. My expression is freelance; the ability to share a message, my message is peace and excitement.
Robert N.Always needing to express my feelings toward the world of inventiveness, a perception of my imagination, to be an expression of freedom.
William R.My personal escape…Spending years struggling to keep a roof over your head, a decent meal in your body and protective clothing from the elements causes one to lose sight of his surroundings. Photography taps into the soul and brings out the joy of freedom.
Reginald H.Children of a lesser God. Light a candle in the window until the morning light. Take hold of your dreams- hold them tight. The future of this world is in your hands. Carl Anderson 1991 (Judas-Jesus Christ Superstar).
Vernon J.Showing my pictures of outdoor nature and city landscape.
Donnell W.Like the quote by Tess Flanders “A picture is worth a thousand words”.
Neal H.The reason why I am writing this note is because I love to take nice pictures of buildings, cars, windows, animals and others too. Now, the reason why I take pictures is because it makes me feel good about myself. I need something positive to do. Photography is a nice thing to do, indoors and outdoors. Just holding a camera makes me feel special.
Sandra W.I took photography in high school. I have been involved with Catholic Charities for three years. This is my first time doing the Visions’ class. I have also sold artwork with the Chicago Association of Retarded Citizens. What inspired me to take the picture of the moon was the way it was, kind of play hide and seek with clouds on a cold winter’s night; a clock is a work beauty, and river on a cold winter day with the city what a sight to look at.
Tracy B.I am 48 years old, AA, disabled, single female; who is both an educated mason that is both poor and homeless. I am also a non-veteran, non-gang member, without children. Due to gentrification, I was evicted out of public housing after a quarter of a century. All praises and thanks to Father God and Catholic Charities. I am moving from being barred from low-income housing to the bus and park bench to a new home of my own. Step by step.
Michelle T.Pictures give me a pleasure of good time. I like taking pictures in the mid-day hours because it makes my day go smoother and faster. Catholic Charities inspires me because of their hospitality every day in serving the homeless. I have been a part of Catholic Charities for 17 years – a very good organization.
Sammie B.I started photography as a hobby and it turned into a passion. I find it fascinating to shoot a sunrise and a sunset. Noticing how the colors change as the sun rises in the early morning is like God creating his art. Nothing to me can replace photographing God at this best artwork.
Tommy L.Bike photo: I wanted a straight photo with a diagonal feel to it. I thought it was cool to take a photo like this. I tried to grasp a photo that no one else takes – a unique perspective. I like my photos to be an art piece hung in someone’s living room or office space.
Anthony B.Photography relaxes me. It makes me feel proud to be a Chicagoan. Our city is so beautiful – we should never take for granted. We are blessed to live here.
Michael W.My photo vision scenes from Chicago lakefront. With the use of shade, shadows, shots were taken on angles using lines to draw the viewer into the photo scene
Herman H.I love photography. It is great fun. I really enjoyed the classes and learning how to take pictures. Everybody at Catholic Charities has been so nice, and I am very grateful to them.
Daniel G.