ASV photos and friends will be on hand at Lagunitas Brewing Company’s gorgeous TapRoom on Monday, April 25th for a night of fun and fundraising on behalf of ASV artists. Free food, Free Parking and Free LIVE MUSIC by Platform 29. Stop by after work, from 5:30-8:30 at 2607 W. 17th Street in Chicago and see what everyone was talking about after last year’s event. Net proceeds of all beer sales go to the ASV program as preparations continue for the 2016 Photo Exhibition on June 10th and 11th. Spread the word and JOIN US!
Artist Statements
People will forget what you said…But will never forget how you made this feel. A Adapted from Maya Angelou
Deborah A.The reason why I am writing this note is because I love to take nice pictures of buildings, cars, windows, animals and others too. Now, the reason why I take pictures is because it makes me feel good about myself. I need something positive to do. Photography is a nice thing to do, indoors and outdoors. Just holding a camera makes me feel special.
Sandra W.The shape of my photo picture is the flower, the color shape of it like shape from the build is how it was the color in it is so good. I like my photo. It is good to have the shape bring out the color in it, just great. It must be my flower that the color brings out. It’s ok to me. Many things you see can inspire you and help you see things differently, but the moment the eyes to your heart are open it will inspire you even more because now it’s not only the eye that captures what inspires yo… Read more
Joe J.Bike photo: I wanted a straight photo with a diagonal feel to it. I thought it was cool to take a photo like this. I tried to grasp a photo that no one else takes – a unique perspective. I like my photos to be an art piece hung in someone’s living room or office space.
Anthony B.Taking pictures makes me feel cool and warm. I like photography. I am so grateful for the scenery that cameras give me. God gave me some vision because I am legally blind but still can see the beauty of life.
James F.I love the “poetry” photo. When I was 14 years old Gwendolyn Brooks visited my High School and read her poems. It was my first introduction to a Poet Laureate. Ms. Brooks explained to my class the definition of a Poet Laureate. Ms. Brooks literally spoke these words “We Real Cool.” After Supper Visions teachers have inspired me. They are the reason why I took these photos.
Kim J.When the light came this morning of this day God created a great view, it formed out to be a great picture, and that leaves a great memory in your mind.
Mills L.These three shots were done during the late day because I was trying to capture shade, light and shadow to produce a scene that would be appealing and comfortable to the eye. The third shot with bike was an expression of reflection, light, and shadow.
Maurice P.A. The lady blowing cool water out of her mouth is cool and refreshing for the kids during the hot summer. B. As a native Chicagoan, I chose to show one of the city’s most popular attractions: the Bean. C. The skyscrapers are one of the city’s most breath-taking attractions.
Cedell D.It is my expression of my photography of my life vision is the vision of my life in the world of beauty.
James L.The photo class program gives you a chance to use your imagination to create an artistic way to express your feelings about photography. The reflections of my images, I tried to bring out the beauty of the world.
William R.I began doing this art project for a year now… but at first I thought it was going to be a waste of my time, but now I’m beginning to really like this program… I love to see the different photos that have been entered in the art show.
Lamont B.I started photography as a hobby and it turned into a passion. I find it fascinating to shoot a sunrise and a sunset. Noticing how the colors change as the sun rises in the early morning is like God creating his art. Nothing to me can replace photographing God at this best artwork.
Tommy L.As the saying goes: A picture is worth a thousand words. In other words, pictures can tell a story. Good or bad, happiness, sadness, whatever the story might be; a visual of what you are trying to say could help the story be told better.
Christopher D.I love this After Supper Visions event. It is very sobering experience for me. I get a chance to be productive while expressing my artistic ability. After being clean and sober for eight years, I am excited to be an active participant in something positive and creative. Thank you all for coming out and supporting and encouraging us in recreating our lives.
Andy A.I like the fact that I can learn about taking pictures and I hope I can continue to learn.
Claude S.I try to take photos that show beauty in its many forms. I have named my photos (for fun): A) High on LSD B) Beau Bridges C) Monet Tree D) Rhapsody in Blue
Barry G.I like to go to take pictures with my friends to see who has the best pictures. I name mine. A. Taste of the east B. The trees have shadows C. Reflection D. Long way home
Jerry T.We only must tap into the very inter beings of our souls to awaken the art forms in us all. If you do not enjoy what you are doing you will never be good at it. By Luke Parker. If you don’t start somewhere, you’re gonna go nowhere. By Bob Marley. When you photograph people in color you photograph their clothes. When you photograph people in black and white you photograph their soul. Hippy Ted Grant
Deborah A.I like the photography because it makes me feel like I’ve done something important.
Love S.Winter comes to Spring in Douglas Park. A hidden jewel on Chicago’s west side is ready for its close up.
Kurt J.When I am taking pictures of different things, I try to do the best I can. However, I take my time when I am shooting the pictures and find buildings and nice areas like parks and other clean places and community. Nevertheless, this is my first time being a photographer and it is very interesting and challenging. Therefore, I hope you all enjoy looking at my beautiful pictures. Thank you very much. P.S. I did my best.
Nathaniel G.Please find smiles inside…
Mia G.I thank God for blessing me to get in this class; it has helped me a lot and I am happy about it, very happy. I thank you all for this class and my beautiful pictures.
Mattie R.I am so proud and humbled to be in this show. I have for so long been called a loser, good for nothing, never amount to anything person. Today I know I am none of those negative things. Having been clean and sober for seven years I can truly say I feel a part of something good. I see myself as being a photographer and an artist. I’m grateful for this social opportunity. I thank God for everyone involved in making this event successful.
Andy A.Like the quote by Tess Flanders “A picture is worth a thousand words”.
Neal H.I am so glad that there is that thing called After Supper Visions. I look forward to the show each year. It give me another reason to be a happy person. To see things and record them is magic. I am grateful that we can share this wonderful moment.
Denis D.I like the colors of my photos and their shapes; how they grow from the ground and blend it out.
Sheri H.My photos reflect how I see the city of Chicago. My city is so beautiful in so many ways in how I see it.
Anthony B.The Catholic Charities is where I spend time doing things I like to do like taking photos of Chicago and yoga and whatever they have but most of all is taking photography.
Maurice C.I like to take pictures of the places I used to stay at when I was homeless. These photos remind me of my past, and the After Supper Visions Program is helping me move forward to a better place.
James L.Photography relaxes me. It makes me feel proud to be a Chicagoan. Our city is so beautiful – we should never take for granted. We are blessed to live here.
Michael W.Up a Creek Be Still The Road to Oz Dr. Who
Barry G.I started taking photos as a hobby. I was bored with a lot of free time. I started paying attention to the scenery that I took for granted every day. For example, sunrise, moon and sunshine. As dusk starts to settle in that’s when things get calm and relaxing, my perfect time for photos/photography.
Tommy L.What I like about photography is trying to find that next great shot. It is the hunt for that picture I find the most fun.
Alvin O.Children of a lesser God. Light a candle in the window until the morning light. Take hold of your dreams- hold them tight. The future of this world is in your hands. Carl Anderson 1991 (Judas-Jesus Christ Superstar).
Vernon J.The sky is always open for us. Sometimes low, sometimes high, like our goals, short or long. Keep trying; keep working, eventually we will be there. Photography lets me share with others. We can see the different points of view, even seeing the same objects; like our lives.
Manami M.Art is my happy place especially photography. This is my escape; I can be whoever I want to be. My husband and I are named as the “Art Couple Who’s Still Standing.
Sarah E.I was so vain at one time until I finally opened my eyes in this photo and seen the world as a whole, our people and places and art come together in our religion as one.
Andrea C.Feels exciting to be part of the photo project. I got a chance to create something to capture nature and it makes me feel more of a part of creation.
Thomas L.