Join us from 6-9PM TONIGHT at 2156 N. Damen Avenue in Chicago, as the iconic ARC Gallery opens an exciting new exhibit featuring photographic artwork created by ASV artists. Our warmest thanks to everyone at ARC Gallery for this wonderful opportunity to showcase the talents of this remarkable groups of imaginative, hard-working artists.
Artist Statements
Pictures give me a pleasure of good time. I like taking pictures in the mid-day hours because it makes my day go smoother and faster. Catholic Charities inspires me because of their hospitality every day in serving the homeless. I have been a part of Catholic Charities for 17 years – a very good organization.
Sammie B.Where do we go when we go. Do you know yet life goes on. Life at time could feel like a cage. Most people have no idea it exist be it up top or at the bottom, we are all seeking of some sort of freedom.
Shawn B.The one thing I love about art is that it is relaxing. I love nature, the flowers, plants and landscape. The two pictures of the landscape, the one with the water was in the Gurnee area. It is so beautiful up there! The second one was taken in McHenry County. The tulip picture was just a random one. I was caught in the rain, I thought, “wow, the water droplets on the tulip, this will make a great picture”. I hope that we, as humans, will not destroy the beauty of our Planet!
Andre C.My second time trying this medium for expression. I usually draw, paint or write. But this turned out to be very helpful in choosing what to capture on film. Also why to capture on film. So I can only say if it looks interesting I try to capture the interest.
Charles F.It was winter and it had snowed for the first time of the season so I wanted to capture the Picasso in the snow.
William H.In final, the weather would be dirty to a photographer, but we call this skyscrapers. Can fun time and the pictures make you smile? It did for me and that’s why I had fun.
Brian C.I love this project because it makes me feel proud taking pictures of doors, windows, plants, animals, and buildings. I do enjoy taking pictures; it makes me feel good about animals, plants, building, food, and myself.
Sandra W.Back to the show again. I love coming here. The pictures let me be creative. I like talking to the people that come to the show and I like to see the pictures of the other artists in the show. I take the camera with me everywhere I go. I always have my eyes open for different pictures that might jump out at me…This year I was at one of the races in Chicago and lucky enough that the city closed off the streets. I was able to take some pictures of the streets of Chicago without any traffic.… Read more
Mike B.In my pictures, I have captured the beauty in objects and places with different medium, which allows me to express unique pictures.
Herman H.What I like about the project is that it was fun doing it and I hope some sell. I like water and the river because they are peaceful and quiet. I wanted to capture the moment.
Aaron C.Um.. Hello, this is America. You can salute the Flags. You can pray like Mary. You can roar like a lion. You can soar and fly like an eagle. Your call.
Kenny S.This is a photo catch of Chicago’s Rye. One of many beautiful aspects of architectural foundation. Look, see, wonder.
Ralph W.Showing my pictures of outdoor nature and city landscape.
Donnell W.Enjoying the sun reflecting on the building while walking through the city.
Bobby L.Winter comes to Spring in Douglas Park. A hidden jewel on Chicago’s west side is ready for its close up.
Kurt J.I came to Catholic Charities to be in the class on Wednesday and one of my friends told me about the class on Tuesday. I love to take pictures of colors and shapes. Pictures to me is artwork, each picture to me has a shape and color, it tell you a story about something. As a child I was in art classes and I find art is a melody. It’s also like a book, it has a beginning and an ending.
Lori V.I want to thank Ellen, Jody, Katie, Fr. Wayne, Linda, Noreen, Michael and everyone else I have forgotten for the chance to display my pictures.
Neal H.I like the fact that I can learn about taking pictures and I hope I can continue to learn.
Claude S.ONLY IN MY MIND’S EYE Do I enjoy my perfect photographs. perfect subject, perfect lighting, perfect composition. I then raise my camera, release the shutter, and that original moment in time is gone forever, never to be repeated again. That short delay of the shutter, and dust on the lens, the printer’s inks, and even the texture of the photo paper, all conspire to distort my “perfect image”. It is with this in mind, that I sincerely hope that I can transport the v… Read more
Ray B.Photography is like still poetry, looking through the lens of a camera, I try to find something that speaks directly to me. I love to escape. Photography is a perfect way to escape. When I am taking pictures, I go to a faraway place where I can become one with the camera, and nothing else matters. I love my photography class. I have learned how to hold a camera correctly, at the same time choose a view that speaks directly to me.
Eva M.The reason why I am writing this note is because I love to take nice pictures of buildings, cars, windows, animals and others too. Now, the reason why I take pictures is because it makes me feel good about myself. I need something positive to do. Photography is a nice thing to do, indoors and outdoors. Just holding a camera makes me feel special.
Sandra W.I came to Catholic Charities to be in the class on Wednesday and one of my friends told me about the class on Tuesday. I love to take pictures of colors and shapes. Pictures to me is artwork. Each picture to me has a shape and color; it tells you a story about something. As a child, I was in art classes and I find art is a melody; it is also like a book with a beginning and an ending.
Lori V.I began doing this art project for a year now… but at first I thought it was going to be a waste of my time, but now I’m beginning to really like this program… I love to see the different photos that have been entered in the art show.
Lamont B.My name is Ms. Sandra, I am pleased to see and continue my insight of the 2018 photos. Please enjoy.
Sandra J.Like the quote by Tess Flanders “A picture is worth a thousand words”.
Neal H.The Catholic Charities “After Supper Visions Photography”. This career of 17 years has brought out my hidden artistic talent thanks to the “Master Teacher, Jody” of the photography program.
Margaret A.I like the colors of my photos and their shapes; how they grow from the ground and blend it out.
Sheri H.I have been in the show for 3 years. I love taking pictures outdoors. The way the shadows fall, the way the color grows and flower. City life catches my eyes!
Roberta J.Stormy morning – waiting for the sun to rise. Geese and ducklings swimming and dipping in the water. Getting lost between sunrise and sunset. The beautiful colors, the dark blue water and skylights. Bird watching early morning – what did I miss? Beautiful colors of water and sky.
Ruby T.I love the “poetry” photo. When I was 14 years old Gwendolyn Brooks visited my High School and read her poems. It was my first introduction to a Poet Laureate. Ms. Brooks explained to my class the definition of a Poet Laureate. Ms. Brooks literally spoke these words “We Real Cool.” After Supper Visions teachers have inspired me. They are the reason why I took these photos.
Kim J.Everything changes through the eye of a camera. Whether it is a flower, a tire, an ant or a person, there is beauty in everything.
Marnee K.I love the After Supper Visions program. It has made me become more appreciative of photography. A picture can say a lot of words. One is love for the ASV program…
Lamont B.I enjoy everything about the project. The day I took the photos, it was a bright, sunny day.
Regina H.A very short summary about me. I am originally from Louisville, Kentucky. I have been living all over American streets since I was 16 years old. I have raised myself, so, trust Christianity and fairytales are my childhood. It does not exist, so I have been anti- social most of my life. It may be possible for me to learn how to become more sociable and a trade for a career in photography.
Shawn S.I like to talk to others and see a new life. Time is not good – I don’t have a job or home. Working for it all but pictures and the photo project are helping me to look up. Being with friends at photo project has helped me.
John L.We only must tap into the very inter beings of our souls to awaken the art forms in us all. If you do not enjoy what you are doing you will never be good at it. By Luke Parker. If you don’t start somewhere, you’re gonna go nowhere. By Bob Marley. When you photograph people in color you photograph their clothes. When you photograph people in black and white you photograph their soul. Hippy Ted Grant
Deborah A.When I took the pictures, I was thinking of inspiration. The Cubs is my favorite team. The other pictures were about springtime with the colors of leaves and flowers. The bus stop picture was about still life, how peaceful the picture looks.
Markeara L.I love this After Supper Visions event. It is very sobering experience for me. I get a chance to be productive while expressing my artistic ability. After being clean and sober for eight years, I am excited to be an active participant in something positive and creative. Thank you all for coming out and supporting and encouraging us in recreating our lives.
Andy A.I was born and raised in Chicago. A city of big buildings and beautiful people. When I take pictures this is my way to express myself, using the camera. I love it.
Robert N.I am so proud and humbled to be in this show. I have for so long been called a loser, good for nothing, never amount to anything person. Today I know I am none of those negative things. Having been clean and sober for seven years I can truly say I feel a part of something good. I see myself as being a photographer and an artist. I’m grateful for this social opportunity. I thank God for everyone involved in making this event successful.
Andy A.