Creative thinking can be so fun! ASV artists were hard at work yesterday, learning how to edit photos to bring out the best in each image. They so enjoyed collaborating with their fellow artists and with the volunteer members of the Photo Team. The finished photos will be quite impressive when they are on display at the ASV 2020 Photo Exhibition June 12-14. We hope to see you there!
Artist Statements
Ungh, ungawa.
Calvin G.I took photography in high school. I have been involved with Catholic Charities for three years. This is my first time doing the Visions’ class. I have also sold artwork with the Chicago Association of Retarded Citizens. What inspired me to take the picture of the moon was the way it was, kind of play hide and seek with clouds on a cold winter’s night; a clock is a work beauty, and river on a cold winter day with the city what a sight to look at.
Tracy B.I am so proud and humbled to be in this show. I have for so long been called a loser, good for nothing, never amount to anything person. Today I know I am none of those negative things. Having been clean and sober for seven years I can truly say I feel a part of something good. I see myself as being a photographer and an artist. I’m grateful for this social opportunity. I thank God for everyone involved in making this event successful.
Andy A.A. The lady blowing cool water out of her mouth is cool and refreshing for the kids during the hot summer. B. As a native Chicagoan, I chose to show one of the city’s most popular attractions: the Bean. C. The skyscrapers are one of the city’s most breath-taking attractions.
Cedell D.The photo class program gives you a chance to use your imagination to create an artistic way to express your feelings about photography. The reflections of my images, I tried to bring out the beauty of the world.
William R.As the saying goes: A picture is worth a thousand words. In other words, pictures can tell a story. Good or bad, happiness, sadness, whatever the story might be; a visual of what you are trying to say could help the story be told better.
Christopher D.Winter comes to Spring in Douglas Park. A hidden jewel on Chicago’s west side is ready for its close up.
Kurt J.I enjoy everything about the project. The day I took the photos, it was a bright, sunny day.
Regina H.I love photography. My late uncle was a photographer before he became a businessman. I love photography for the light, the color, the shadows, and all the varied shapes and dimensions. It is a wonderful hobby, and could turn out to be an extremely interesting profession. It’s also a fun way to be an artist.
Daniel G.The one thing I love about art is the flowers, plants and the way you can capture it all if you have that eye for the perfect picture before it is all gone.
Robert S.The reason why I am writing this note is because I love to take nice pictures of buildings, cars, windows, animals and others too. Now, the reason why I take pictures is because it makes me feel good about myself. I need something positive to do. Photography is a nice thing to do, indoors and outdoors. Just holding a camera makes me feel special.
Sandra W.Up a Creek Be Still The Road to Oz Dr. Who
Barry G.Photography is an art and I pray that my pictures are a good example of my talent as an artist.
Gerald G.Pictures give me a pleasure of good time. I like taking pictures in the mid-day hours because it makes my day go smoother and faster. Catholic Charities inspires me because of their hospitality every day in serving the homeless. I have been a part of Catholic Charities for 17 years – a very good organization.
Sammie B.My name is Ms. Sandra, I am pleased to see and continue my insight of the 2018 photos. Please enjoy.
Sandra J.Had a good time doing it. Hope you love them as much as I do.
Paul S.A picture is worth a thousand words but I had nothing to do. Taking photos is a good hobby and I hope someone will like my talent.
James S.The photography class was great. It gave me a chance to be creative and to see the beauty of God.
Tracey M.I love the After Supper Visions program. It has made me become more appreciative of photography. A picture can say a lot of words. One is love for the ASV program…
Lamont B.Feels exciting to be part of the photo project. I got a chance to create something to capture nature and it makes me feel more of a part of creation.
Thomas L.I want to thank Ellen, Jody, Katie, Fr. Wayne, Linda, Noreen, Michael and everyone else I have forgotten for the chance to display my pictures.
Neal H.When I took the pictures, I felt full of joy and happiness. I smelled the colorful flowers and was inspired to take the pictures. The statue was about church. I felt I needed to take the picture because it was a still life. The picture with the grass is full of green, which is my favorite color and most of all it was a beautiful day.
Markeara L.People will forget what you said…But will never forget how you made this feel. A Adapted from Maya Angelou
Deborah A.A Weekend in the Swamp I’m Happy to be back in the show. It is a wonderful place to show my work and see the other artists’ work. I was lucky enough to go to Georgia with a friend to the Okefenokee Wildlife Refuge. I would like to share some photos of the prehistoric place.
Mike B.I like to take photos and the pictures I took. It is awesome!
Maurice C.I like the colors of my photos and their shapes; how they grow from the ground and blend it out.
Sheri H.I live here in Chicago. I am an artist that really appreciate what Catholic Charities is doing with the photography sessions. Looking forward to doing more photo events with them.
Lamont S.I like to go to take pictures with my friends to see who has the best pictures. I name mine. A. Taste of the east B. The trees have shadows C. Reflection D. Long way home
Jerry T.I came to Catholic Charities to be in the class on Wednesday and one of my friends told me about the class on Tuesday. I love to take pictures of colors and shapes. Pictures to me is artwork. Each picture to me has a shape and color; it tells you a story about something. As a child, I was in art classes and I find art is a melody; it is also like a book with a beginning and an ending.
Lori V.I like the photography because it makes me feel like I’ve done something important.
Love S.The Ferris Wheel at Navy Pier Chicago is awesome. I wanted everyone to know how it feels when you stand at the bottom of the stairs, excited and afraid to get on. So, I laid on the ground and took this picture, and then I ran away!
Sharon C.My friend and I go out to take pictures as a team and enjoy and compare.
Roberta J.I love this project because it makes me feel proud taking pictures of doors, windows, plants, animals, and buildings. I do enjoy taking pictures; it makes me feel good about animals, plants, building, food, and myself.
Sandra W.The heavens are higher than the earth symbolized by the globe, it is even higher than the Willis tower aka Sears Tower. It is higher than the flags along with the Willis Tower, and the new Ferris Wheel featured at Navy Pier. To err may be human, but heaven is always divine, and such are we.
Cheryl H.Everything must be rooted and grounded in love according to the Bible. The flower, carrots and the celery were rooted and grounded in love, so was our country, symbolized by the flag and Patriot on the Horse. Want to change the world… root for love, by loving yourself and others, by making a world a better place for all to love. That is how you change the world; root for love, by being rooted in love. Sow love, reap love, reap what showed and grounded in love.
Kenny S.I came to Catholic Charities to be in the class on Wednesday and one of my friends told me about the class on Tuesday. I love to take pictures of colors and shapes. Pictures to me is artwork, each picture to me has a shape and color, it tell you a story about something. As a child I was in art classes and I find art is a melody. It’s also like a book, it has a beginning and an ending.
Lori V.The Catholic Charities is where I spend time doing things I like to do like taking photos of Chicago and yoga and whatever they have but most of all is taking photography.
Maurice C.The view from the river walk to the lake emphasizes the beauty of our city.
Valerie B.The day is to be a man’s job. I like to walk and see the Chicago waters.
John L.I spent the summer in Cedar Michigan last year, and the view at most everywhere I went was breathtaking, so here are some of the sights I would like to share.
Robert R.