The “After Supper Visions” program continues to gain momentum this month. Last evening, seven artists turned their disposable cameras in, to be developed. Another five artists got to look at their prints, just back from being developed. Over a dozen artists have chosen their final prints that will be enlarged and framed in anticipation of the ASV 2013 Exhibition on June 7th and 8th.
With more dinner guests participating than ever this year, this eleventh annual exhibition promises to be the largest and most impressive yet. Longtime volunteers continue to marvel at how this year’s photographers are capturing some of Chicago’s most famous landmarks in new and innovative ways. As one volunteer recently said, “That’s what makes this program so unique. The sky’s the limit, as ASV artists challenge themselves to new heights of creativity each year. Even in these grey days of winter, the prints coming back for the artists are amazing. Just beautiful photographic artwork.”
Artist Statements
It is very hard for me to get out. Taking the pictures I found relaxing and enjoyed doing more than I thought. I hope you find a picture you enjoy as much.
Daniel D.Where do we go when we go. Do you know yet life goes on. Life at time could feel like a cage. Most people have no idea it exist be it up top or at the bottom, we are all seeking of some sort of freedom.
Shawn B.I like the colors of my photos and their shapes; how they grow from the ground and blend it out.
Sheri H.The photography class was great. It gave me a chance to be creative and to see the beauty of God.
Tracey M.I like the photography because it makes me feel like I’ve done something important.
Love S.I like to take photos and the pictures I took. It is awesome!
Maurice C.Pictures give me a pleasure of good time. I like taking pictures in the mid-day hours because it makes my day go smoother and faster. Catholic Charities inspires me because of their hospitality every day in serving the homeless. I have been a part of Catholic Charities for 17 years – a very good organization.
Sammie B.Back to the show again. I love coming here. The pictures let me be creative. I like talking to the people that come to the show and I like to see the pictures of the other artists in the show. I take the camera with me everywhere I go. I always have my eyes open for different pictures that might jump out at me…This year I was at one of the races in Chicago and lucky enough that the city closed off the streets. I was able to take some pictures of the streets of Chicago without any traffic.… Read more
Mike B.I came to Catholic Charities to be in the class on Wednesday and one of my friends told me about the class on Tuesday. I love to take pictures of colors and shapes. Pictures to me is artwork, each picture to me has a shape and color, it tell you a story about something. As a child I was in art classes and I find art is a melody. It’s also like a book, it has a beginning and an ending.
Lori V.I like taking pictures around the holidays because everything is so decorative. I like taking pictures of the Bulls, the Sox, the Blackhawks and the Cubs, all in Chicago because they are all winners.
Ronald G.My name is Ms. Sandra, I am pleased to see and continue my insight of the 2018 photos. Please enjoy.
Sandra J.The photo class program gives you a chance to use your imagination to create an artistic way to express your feelings about photography. The reflections of my images, I tried to bring out the beauty of the world.
William R.Everything changes through the eye of a camera. Whether it is a flower, a tire, an ant or a person, there is beauty in everything.
Marnee K.A very short summary about me. I am originally from Louisville, Kentucky. I have been living all over American streets since I was 16 years old. I have raised myself, so, trust Christianity and fairytales are my childhood. It does not exist, so I have been anti- social most of my life. It may be possible for me to learn how to become more sociable and a trade for a career in photography.
Shawn S.Had a good time doing it. Hope you love them as much as I do.
Paul S.First, I would like to thank God for allowing me to grace the company of such loving people and their gracious hearts of compassion. Catholic Charities After Supper Visions project has been a lifesaver for me. To view the world as it truly is in all its splendor. The chance to inspire is my middle name when it comes to photography. Thanks to all involved.
Ralph W.The view from the river walk to the lake emphasizes the beauty of our city.
Valerie B.Winter comes to Spring in Douglas Park. A hidden jewel on Chicago’s west side is ready for its close up.
Kurt J.I enjoy taking pictures of nature. That’s why I chose four pictures of birds from my day at the zoo. I’m inspired by the colors, background, and beauty.
Elizabeth M.I love this project because it makes me feel proud taking pictures of doors, windows, plants, animals, and buildings. I do enjoy taking pictures; it makes me feel good about animals, plants, building, food, and myself.
Sandra W.Stormy morning – waiting for the sun to rise. Geese and ducklings swimming and dipping in the water. Getting lost between sunrise and sunset. The beautiful colors, the dark blue water and skylights. Bird watching early morning – what did I miss? Beautiful colors of water and sky.
Ruby T.I spent the summer in Cedar Michigan last year, and the view at most everywhere I went was breathtaking, so here are some of the sights I would like to share.
Robert R.I like to go to take pictures with my friends to see who has the best pictures. I name mine. A. Taste of the east B. The trees have shadows C. Reflection D. Long way home
Jerry T.Photography is like still poetry, looking through the lens of a camera, I try to find something that speaks directly to me. I love to escape. Photography is a perfect way to escape. When I am taking pictures, I go to a faraway place where I can become one with the camera, and nothing else matters. I love my photography class. I have learned how to hold a camera correctly, at the same time choose a view that speaks directly to me.
Eva M.At a young age I was given a camera, and from there I just fell in love with photography, no schooling. Just a passion.
Ruben G.This is my first year in the photo class. The more I relaxed the more fun I started having. It you think it is beautiful it is probably a good picture.
Sandra D.Art is my happy place especially photography. This is my escape; I can be whoever I want to be. My husband and I are named as the “Art Couple Who’s Still Standing.
Sarah E.What I like about the project is that it was fun doing it and I hope some sell. I like water and the river because they are peaceful and quiet. I wanted to capture the moment.
Aaron C.My photos reflect how I see the city of Chicago. My city is so beautiful in so many ways in how I see it.
Anthony B.Taking pictures makes me feel cool and warm. I like photography. I am so grateful for the scenery that cameras give me. God gave me some vision because I am legally blind but still can see the beauty of life.
James F.My photo vision scenes from Chicago lakefront. With the use of shade, shadows, shots were taken on angles using lines to draw the viewer into the photo scene
Herman H.When I took the pictures, I felt full of joy and happiness. I smelled the colorful flowers and was inspired to take the pictures. The statue was about church. I felt I needed to take the picture because it was a still life. The picture with the grass is full of green, which is my favorite color and most of all it was a beautiful day.
Markeara L.It is amazing to join the 2017 photo show. Welcome to Chicago. A) L Train going south on Orleans St. B) A local “lodge” bar on Division and State. C) Eye catching of trees with different direction. D) Here we Chicagoans still have rules.
Sandra J.I have had done the photo project before and I have had fun doing it. My pictures tell you what I love and what I am. I love nature and art and animals, wildlife as well.
Aisa O.A Weekend in the Swamp I’m Happy to be back in the show. It is a wonderful place to show my work and see the other artists’ work. I was lucky enough to go to Georgia with a friend to the Okefenokee Wildlife Refuge. I would like to share some photos of the prehistoric place.
Mike B.I was so vain at one time until I finally opened my eyes in this photo and seen the world as a whole, our people and places and art come together in our religion as one.
Andrea C.I took photography in high school. I have been involved with Catholic Charities for three years. This is my first time doing the Visions’ class. I have also sold artwork with the Chicago Association of Retarded Citizens. What inspired me to take the picture of the moon was the way it was, kind of play hide and seek with clouds on a cold winter’s night; a clock is a work beauty, and river on a cold winter day with the city what a sight to look at.
Tracy B.In my pictures, I have captured the beauty in objects and places with different medium, which allows me to express unique pictures.
Herman H.These photos were taken in Hawaii while I worked on a cruise ship this past summer. Although I was working 10-hour days, I was able to get off every now and then and take photos every chance I got. I hope you enjoy them.
Robert R.Like the quote by Tess Flanders “A picture is worth a thousand words”.
Neal H.