Artist Statements
I have been in the show for 3 years. I love taking pictures outdoors. The way the shadows fall, the way the color grows and flower. City life catches my eyes!
Roberta J.Taking pictures makes me feel cool and warm. I like photography. I am so grateful for the scenery that cameras give me. God gave me some vision because I am legally blind but still can see the beauty of life.
James F.The one thing I love about art is the flowers, plants and the way you can capture it all if you have that eye for the perfect picture before it is all gone.
Robert S.When the light came this morning of this day God created a great view, it formed out to be a great picture, and that leaves a great memory in your mind.
Mills L.We only must tap into the very inter beings of our souls to awaken the art forms in us all. If you do not enjoy what you are doing you will never be good at it. By Luke Parker. If you don’t start somewhere, you’re gonna go nowhere. By Bob Marley. When you photograph people in color you photograph their clothes. When you photograph people in black and white you photograph their soul. Hippy Ted Grant
Deborah A.The world of structure, enthusiasm, accomplishment in photo synthesizing and obedience in learning. These are my feelings about photography.
David C.The photo project has improved my creative and artistic expressions. My images are an expression of my creative side. Thanks to Catholic Charities for giving me a chance to become an artist.
Chester P.Where do we go when we go. Do you know yet life goes on. Life at time could feel like a cage. Most people have no idea it exist be it up top or at the bottom, we are all seeking of some sort of freedom.
Shawn B.This year’s photo show has helped me gain more insight to my own life persona in the eyes of this young artistic dragon-sized spirit of mine and I am forever grateful.
Shaolin M.A picture is worth a thousand words but I had nothing to do. Taking photos is a good hobby and I hope someone will like my talent.
James S.I enjoy photography. It brings back memories when I was smart kid, who loved my teachers. Teachers who took the time and showed us how much fun it was to learn. We went on field trips, that was exciting to us when I was in grammar school and high school.
Regina H.I like taking pictures around the holidays because everything is so decorative. I like taking pictures of the Bulls, the Sox, the Blackhawks and the Cubs, all in Chicago because they are all winners.
Ronald G.Bike photo: I wanted a straight photo with a diagonal feel to it. I thought it was cool to take a photo like this. I tried to grasp a photo that no one else takes – a unique perspective. I like my photos to be an art piece hung in someone’s living room or office space.
Anthony B.“Great are the works of the LORD ; they are pondered by all who delight in them. Glorious and majestic are His deeds, and His righteousness endures forever.” Psalm 111:2-3 I am always pondering the beauty of this world. The unique symmetry of each variety of flower, shrub or tree is breathtaking. I choose the Daffodils, the Azaleas, the exotic Scilla Peruviana, and the leaf of the Papaya tree to display in this year’s photo show. I hope that you enjoy these selections.
Marie H.In final, the weather would be dirty to a photographer, but we call this skyscrapers. Can fun time and the pictures make you smile? It did for me and that’s why I had fun.
Brian C.I live here in Chicago. I am an artist that really appreciate what Catholic Charities is doing with the photography sessions. Looking forward to doing more photo events with them.
Lamont S.Like the quote by Tess Flanders “A picture is worth a thousand words”.
Neal H.I came to Catholic Charities to be in the class on Wednesday and one of my friends told me about the class on Tuesday. I love to take pictures of colors and shapes. Pictures to me is artwork. Each picture to me has a shape and color; it tells you a story about something. As a child, I was in art classes and I find art is a melody; it is also like a book with a beginning and an ending.
Lori V.I was born and raised in Chicago. A city of big buildings and beautiful people. When I take pictures this is my way to express myself, using the camera. I love it.
Robert N.Art is my happy place especially photography. This is my escape; I can be whoever I want to be. My husband and I are named as the “Art Couple Who’s Still Standing.
Sarah E.Winter comes to Spring in Douglas Park. A hidden jewel on Chicago’s west side is ready for its close up.
Kurt J.I like the photography because it makes me feel like I’ve done something important.
Love S.My personal escape…Spending years struggling to keep a roof over your head, a decent meal in your body and protective clothing from the elements causes one to lose sight of his surroundings. Photography taps into the soul and brings out the joy of freedom.
Reginald H.A. The lady blowing cool water out of her mouth is cool and refreshing for the kids during the hot summer. B. As a native Chicagoan, I chose to show one of the city’s most popular attractions: the Bean. C. The skyscrapers are one of the city’s most breath-taking attractions.
Cedell D.The heavens are higher than the earth symbolized by the globe, it is even higher than the Willis tower aka Sears Tower. It is higher than the flags along with the Willis Tower, and the new Ferris Wheel featured at Navy Pier. To err may be human, but heaven is always divine, and such are we.
Cheryl H.When I took the pictures, I felt full of joy and happiness. I smelled the colorful flowers and was inspired to take the pictures. The statue was about church. I felt I needed to take the picture because it was a still life. The picture with the grass is full of green, which is my favorite color and most of all it was a beautiful day.
Markeara L.Always needing to express my feelings toward the world of inventiveness, a perception of my imagination, to be an expression of freedom.
William R.Thank you! I took the stain glass picture at Holy Name Cathedral. I took the Chicago underground train station picture at the Harrison stop on the red line. This one is looking out the window of the Harold Washington Library.
John B.As the saying goes: A picture is worth a thousand words. In other words, pictures can tell a story. Good or bad, happiness, sadness, whatever the story might be; a visual of what you are trying to say could help the story be told better.
Christopher D.I came to Catholic Charities to be in the class on Wednesday and one of my friends told me about the class on Tuesday. I love to take pictures of colors and shapes. Pictures to me is artwork, each picture to me has a shape and color, it tell you a story about something. As a child I was in art classes and I find art is a melody. It’s also like a book, it has a beginning and an ending.
Lori V.My name is Ms. Sandra, I am pleased to see and continue my insight of the 2018 photos. Please enjoy.
Sandra J.I enjoy everything about the project. The day I took the photos, it was a bright, sunny day.
Regina H.I like to talk to others and see a new life. Time is not good – I don’t have a job or home. Working for it all but pictures and the photo project are helping me to look up. Being with friends at photo project has helped me.
John L.I like to take pictures of the places I used to stay at when I was homeless. These photos remind me of my past, and the After Supper Visions Program is helping me move forward to a better place.
James L.My second time trying this medium for expression. I usually draw, paint or write. But this turned out to be very helpful in choosing what to capture on film. Also why to capture on film. So I can only say if it looks interesting I try to capture the interest.
Charles F.I spent the summer in Cedar Michigan last year, and the view at most everywhere I went was breathtaking, so here are some of the sights I would like to share.
Robert R.The photography class was great. It gave me a chance to be creative and to see the beauty of God.
Tracey M.I try to take photos that show beauty in its many forms. I have named my photos (for fun): A) High on LSD B) Beau Bridges C) Monet Tree D) Rhapsody in Blue
Barry G.I want to thank Ellen, Jody, Katie, Fr. Wayne, Linda, Noreen, Michael and everyone else I have forgotten for the chance to display my pictures.
Neal H.The Catholic Charities “After Supper Visions Photography”. This career of 17 years has brought out my hidden artistic talent thanks to the “Master Teacher, Jody” of the photography program.
Margaret A.
Category Archives: Chicago Art Community/Other Photo Exhibitions
Thanks To All Who Came To The Flower & Garden Show
ASV is very grateful to everyone who stopped by Booth 226 last week during the Chicago Flower & Garden Show. What a joyful scene it was, as large crowds strolled through the exhibits, throughout the five days, getting new ideas … Continue reading
Chicago Flower & Garden Show THIS WEEKEND: Don’t Miss It
Navy Pier’s Festival Hall has been turned into one, lovely celebration of the outdoors this week! You will find gorgeous plants and flowers, a wide range of gardening, lawn care, barbecue and entertaining products, plus skilled professionals eager to share tricks of their trades to help … Continue reading
Chicago Flower & Garden Show Is Next Week!
Signs of Spring are everywhere, from the return of Daylight Savings Time to 55 degree temperatures in Chicago! So, gather your friends and family and join us at the Chicago Flower & Garden Show, March 20-24 at Navy Pier! You will … Continue reading
New Year, New Excitement As ASV Joins Chicago Flower & Garden Show March 20-24
Calling all gardeners, and anyone who loves flowers! ASV is delighted to be one of the featured vendors participating in the fabulous Chicago Flower & Garden Show, March 20-24 at Navy Pier. Started in 1847 by the Chicago Horticultural … Continue reading
First Bank Of Highland Park Opens Month-Long Exhibit Featuring Catholic Charities And ASV
Throughout the month of December, Catholic Charities and its inspiring After Supper Visions program are being featured in the Main Lobby of First Bank of Highland Park, located at 1835 First Street in Highland Park, IL. The exhibit is presented … Continue reading
Daily Herald Lauds “Critical Message Behind The Pictures” Taken By ASV Artists
ASV extends its warmest thanks to Daily Herald reporter Katlyn Smith who came to the recent ASV reception at the Hinsdale Public Library and posted her story today: Below are two additional photos taken at that event. Thank you … Continue reading
Hinsdale Library Reception Continues To Garner Wonderful Press
Our sincere thanks go out to all of the reporters who came to cover the recent ASV reception at the Hinsdale Public Library. See below to read these great reviews: Doings/Tribune: Hinsdalean: Patch: And one more is … Continue reading
Hinsdalean Newspaper Captures Spirit Of The Evening
Our thanks to reporter Pamela Lannom who covered the Hinsdale Public Library reception for her local newspaper. Read her story below:
Hinsdale Public Library Welcomes ASV
A joy-filled crowd gathered at the Hinsdale Public Library last evening, to learn more about After Supper Visions, meet several of the artists and see the remarkable photographic prints that continue to inspire art enthusiasts, throughout Chicago and beyond. Kathy … Continue reading
Hinsdale Library ASV Reception Is THIS Thursday, February 15th
The Hinsdale edition of the Chicago Tribune featured this story about the upcoming ASV reception at the Hinsdale Library: It will be a very special evening indeed! Come join us, Thursday from 6-8PM at the Hinsdale Library, 20 E. … Continue reading