Artist Statements
I enjoy everything about the project. The day I took the photos, it was a bright, sunny day.
Regina H.ONLY IN MY MIND’S EYE Do I enjoy my perfect photographs. perfect subject, perfect lighting, perfect composition. I then raise my camera, release the shutter, and that original moment in time is gone forever, never to be repeated again. That short delay of the shutter, and dust on the lens, the printer’s inks, and even the texture of the photo paper, all conspire to distort my “perfect image”. It is with this in mind, that I sincerely hope that I can transport the v… Read more
Ray B.I am so glad that there is that thing called After Supper Visions. I look forward to the show each year. It give me another reason to be a happy person. To see things and record them is magic. I am grateful that we can share this wonderful moment.
Denis D.Random photography of the city. From the early morning not as bitterly cold outside as it feels.
Ruby T.Photography puts us in the Here and Now. It teaches us beauty, and therefore life itself is fleeting.
Vernon J.I love photography. It is great fun. I really enjoyed the classes and learning how to take pictures. Everybody at Catholic Charities has been so nice, and I am very grateful to them.
Daniel G.This is my second year doing the After Supper Visions show. I really enjoyed it. Last year I took the picture of the rose during the Christmas dinner at Catholic Charities, a reflection of another building hitting the garage made an interesting light show and a mirror image on glass with dancing rain on a stormy night.
Tracey B.I like the fact that I can learn about taking pictures and I hope I can continue to learn.
Claude S.When I took the pictures, I was thinking of inspiration. The Cubs is my favorite team. The other pictures were about springtime with the colors of leaves and flowers. The bus stop picture was about still life, how peaceful the picture looks.
Markeara L.Showing my pictures of outdoor nature and city landscape.
Donnell W.People will forget what you said…But will never forget how you made this feel. A Adapted from Maya Angelou
Deborah A.My name is Ms. Sandra, I am pleased to see and continue my insight of the 2018 photos. Please enjoy.
Sandra J.The Catholic Charities “After Supper Visions Photography”. This career of 17 years has brought out my hidden artistic talent thanks to the “Master Teacher, Jody” of the photography program.
Margaret A.I have had done the photo project before and I have had fun doing it. My pictures tell you what I love and what I am. I love nature and art and animals, wildlife as well.
Aisa O.Feels exciting to be part of the photo project. I got a chance to create something to capture nature and it makes me feel more of a part of creation.
Thomas L.Photography is like still poetry, looking through the lens of a camera, I try to find something that speaks directly to me. I love to escape. Photography is a perfect way to escape. When I am taking pictures, I go to a faraway place where I can become one with the camera, and nothing else matters. I love my photography class. I have learned how to hold a camera correctly, at the same time choose a view that speaks directly to me.
Eva M.These photos were taken in Hawaii while I worked on a cruise ship this past summer. Although I was working 10-hour days, I was able to get off every now and then and take photos every chance I got. I hope you enjoy them.
Robert R.I have been taking pictures for eight years and I am still in the pictures. I like being in it because it helps me calm down and be happy. I like taking pictures outside a lot, hot, snow, that what I like doing. It shows what best comes out of me.
Octavia W.I started photography as a hobby and it turned into a passion. I find it fascinating to shoot a sunrise and a sunset. Noticing how the colors change as the sun rises in the early morning is like God creating his art. Nothing to me can replace photographing God at this best artwork.
Tommy L.My personal escape…Spending years struggling to keep a roof over your head, a decent meal in your body and protective clothing from the elements causes one to lose sight of his surroundings. Photography taps into the soul and brings out the joy of freedom.
Reginald H.I like to take photos and the pictures I took. It is awesome!
Maurice C.A very short summary about me. I am originally from Louisville, Kentucky. I have been living all over American streets since I was 16 years old. I have raised myself, so, trust Christianity and fairytales are my childhood. It does not exist, so I have been anti- social most of my life. It may be possible for me to learn how to become more sociable and a trade for a career in photography.
Shawn S.Pictures of any kind are the procreating and production of two God-given eyes correlating and collaborating. If only the world can see straight, eye-to-eye, that would make one perfect picture of a perfect family.
Cheryl H.This is my seventh year in the photo show and I love to take pictures of trees and plants outdoors. I like how the shadows fall on the shot. My best picture is the tree with sunshine just on the front.
Jerry T.Um.. Hello, this is America. You can salute the Flags. You can pray like Mary. You can roar like a lion. You can soar and fly like an eagle. Your call.
Kenny S.In my pictures, I have captured the beauty in objects and places with different medium, which allows me to express unique pictures.
Herman H.I enjoy photography. It brings back memories when I was smart kid, who loved my teachers. Teachers who took the time and showed us how much fun it was to learn. We went on field trips, that was exciting to us when I was in grammar school and high school.
Regina H.The reason why I am writing this note is because I love to take nice pictures of buildings, cars, windows, animals and others too. Now, the reason why I take pictures is because it makes me feel good about myself. I need something positive to do. Photography is a nice thing to do, indoors and outdoors. Just holding a camera makes me feel special.
Sandra W.This year’s photo show has helped me gain more insight to my own life persona in the eyes of this young artistic dragon-sized spirit of mine and I am forever grateful.
Shaolin M.It is my expression of my photography of my life vision is the vision of my life in the world of beauty.
James L.I like to talk to others and see a new life Time is not good, I don have a job or home. Working for it all but pictures and the photo project are helping me to look up. Being with friends at the photo project has helped me.
John L.I love this After Supper Visions event. It is very sobering experience for me. I get a chance to be productive while expressing my artistic ability. After being clean and sober for eight years, I am excited to be an active participant in something positive and creative. Thank you all for coming out and supporting and encouraging us in recreating our lives.
Andy A.I live here in Chicago. I am an artist that really appreciate what Catholic Charities is doing with the photography sessions. Looking forward to doing more photo events with them.
Lamont S.The one thing I love about art is that it is relaxing. I love nature, the flowers, plants and landscape. The two pictures of the landscape, the one with the water was in the Gurnee area. It is so beautiful up there! The second one was taken in McHenry County. The tulip picture was just a random one. I was caught in the rain, I thought, “wow, the water droplets on the tulip, this will make a great picture”. I hope that we, as humans, will not destroy the beauty of our Planet!
Andre C.My photos reflect how I see the city of Chicago. My city is so beautiful in so many ways in how I see it.
Anthony B.The photo class program gives you a chance to use your imagination to create an artistic way to express your feelings about photography. The reflections of my images, I tried to bring out the beauty of the world.
William R.I like taking pictures around the holidays because everything is so decorative. I like taking pictures of the Bulls, the Sox, the Blackhawks and the Cubs, all in Chicago because they are all winners.
Ronald G.“Great are the works of the LORD ; they are pondered by all who delight in them. Glorious and majestic are His deeds, and His righteousness endures forever.” Psalm 111:2-3 I am always pondering the beauty of this world. The unique symmetry of each variety of flower, shrub or tree is breathtaking. I choose the Daffodils, the Azaleas, the exotic Scilla Peruviana, and the leaf of the Papaya tree to display in this year’s photo show. I hope that you enjoy these selections.
Marie H.This is a photo catch of Chicago’s Rye. One of many beautiful aspects of architectural foundation. Look, see, wonder.
Ralph W.I love the “poetry” photo. When I was 14 years old Gwendolyn Brooks visited my High School and read her poems. It was my first introduction to a Poet Laureate. Ms. Brooks explained to my class the definition of a Poet Laureate. Ms. Brooks literally spoke these words “We Real Cool.” After Supper Visions teachers have inspired me. They are the reason why I took these photos.
Kim J.
Category Archives: Chicago Art Community/Other Photo Exhibitions
Chicago’s wildly-popular ONE OF A KIND SHOW at the Merchandise Mart is debuting a special Spring Show, starting today and ASV is one of the vendors there! Shop from 0ver 300 skilled artisans showcasing a wide array of fabulous merchandise. ASV … Continue reading
ASV Joins One Of A Kind Show Apr. 29-May 1
The popular One Of A Kind Show is adding a Spring Show in 2016 and for the first time ever, After Supper Visions will be one of 300 featured vendors at this special event at The Mart, 222 Merchandise Mart Plaza … Continue reading
ASV Discovers Similar Program…In Paris
The March 14th edition of The New York Times featured an article in its Arts and Design section that sounded awfully familiar. There are exciting similarities, indeed, between ASV and a photo exhibition recently debuting outside City Hall in Paris, France: To read the article, copy … Continue reading
New ASV Event Starts Sunday
ASV is thrilled to be collaborating with the Chicago Photography Center to bring the work of ASV artists to its expansive community of art enthusiasts. Over the past seven years, CPC volunteers have worked with over fifty adults who live … Continue reading
New Support For ASV Artists From Chicago Park District
ASV is delighted to announce a new collaboration with the Chicago Park District this Spring. The CPD will be showing a documentary on homelessness at CPD locations, during the last week in May and the first week in June. ASV will have a table set up … Continue reading
ZipCar Promotion Generates $1000 For ASV
Catholic Charities and the After Supper Visions Photo Team are deeply grateful to ZipCar, Inc. for the generous donation of $1000, the proceeds from the recent “Feeding Local Art” campaign. Special thanks go to Marketing Manager Tony Paske who created and coordinated this … Continue reading
Zip Car Paving The Way To New Avenues Of Corporate Support For ASV
The December Zip Car promotion is moving full speed ahead, with over 100 hours of driving time reserved already on the two “art cars” specially painted to gain visibility and monetary support for After Supper Visions. Here they are on … Continue reading
Decked Out Zipcars Pull Up To Catholic Charities Today
Artists Czr Prz and George Berlin stopped by Catholic Charities headquarters today to unveil the two Zipcars they personally painted! Remember: ASV will receive a percentage donation from anyone who rents a painted Zipcar until January 1st. Join Zipcar and … Continue reading
Zipcar, Inc. and Chicago Loop Alliance Team Up In Support of ASV
Things are revving-up for a fantastic finish to this HUGE year for ASV! In addition to ongoing sales of ASV Christmas/holiday cards, another fabulous opportunity has emerged to help ASV artists. The Chicago Loop Alliance sponsored our recent Pop Up Art … Continue reading