Feedback continues, from this year’s spectacular photo exhibition. More attendees than ever came to the photo show this year for the first time. Most often, people commented on how “professional” the artists and their photographs were. Many people also complimented the photos of each artist that were framed along side each artists’ pictures, saying it was great to identify each photographer with his/her photo collection. All who came said their expectations were exceeded, whether it was their first time there or not!
What other attendees said the ASV photo exhibition…
“The portraits are BEAUTIFUL!”
This photo show “Expresses Chicago”
It is “Sophisticated yet cozy.”
“This should be a travelling show!”
It is a “Great idea to have the show on Sunday (too)!”
“The artist statements are powerful and thought-provoking.”
“I was tearing up when I read the artist statements.”
Thank you for each of these poignant remarks. We always welcome all Comments and Suggestions! Thank you for your continued support of ASV and its artists.