Our sincere thanks go out to all of the reporters who came to cover the recent ASV reception at the Hinsdale Public Library. See below to read these great reviews:
Doings/Tribune: http://www.chicagotribune.com/suburbs/hinsdale/news/ct-dhd-column-clarkson-tl-0215-20180207-story.html
Hinsdalean: http://newzgroup.com/Papers/225029/2018-02-15/flippingbook/files/assets/basic-html/page-7.html
Patch: https://patch.com/illinois/hinsdale/hinsdale-library-hosts-art-opening-reception
And one more is coming next week! Stay tuned for that link…and be sure to follow Catholic Charities of Chicago on Facebook and Twitter for additional news about After Supper Visions.
Congratulations to ALL ASV artists who continue to inspire people everywhere with their talent, passion and dedication to the art of photography!