Seventy-six artists have chosen over 280 of their favorite photos. The Photo Team of volunteers has meticulously enlarged and framed every one of them. The 2013 ASV Photo Show is ready for its debut, and the artists have much to be proud of. Come join in the excitement as this expansive gallery of remarkable artwork opens to the public tomorrow, Friday, June 7th, from 5-7PM at Catholic Charities headquarters, 721 N. LaSalle Street in Chicago. The exhibit continues on Saturday, June 8th, from 1-3PM. We hope you agree this year’s show has definitely been worth the wait. Thank you for your interest in “After Supper Visions.”
Artist Statements
The reason why I am writing this note is because I love to take nice pictures of buildings, cars, windows, animals and others too. Now, the reason why I take pictures is because it makes me feel good about myself. I need something positive to do. Photography is a nice thing to do, indoors and outdoors. Just holding a camera makes me feel special.
Sandra W.I like the fact that I can learn about taking pictures and I hope I can continue to learn.
Claude S.The Ferris Wheel at Navy Pier Chicago is awesome. I wanted everyone to know how it feels when you stand at the bottom of the stairs, excited and afraid to get on. So, I laid on the ground and took this picture, and then I ran away!
Sharon C.Pictures give me a pleasure of good time. I like taking pictures in the mid-day hours because it makes my day go smoother and faster. Catholic Charities inspires me because of their hospitality every day in serving the homeless. I have been a part of Catholic Charities for 17 years – a very good organization.
Sammie B.I began doing this art project for a year now… but at first I thought it was going to be a waste of my time, but now I’m beginning to really like this program… I love to see the different photos that have been entered in the art show.
Lamont B.The one thing I love about art is the flowers, plants and the way you can capture it all if you have that eye for the perfect picture before it is all gone.
Robert S.My name is Ms. Sandra, I am pleased to see and continue my insight of the 2018 photos. Please enjoy.
Sandra J.I like to take pictures of the places I used to stay at when I was homeless. These photos remind me of my past, and the After Supper Visions Program is helping me move forward to a better place.
James L.My personal escape…Spending years struggling to keep a roof over your head, a decent meal in your body and protective clothing from the elements causes one to lose sight of his surroundings. Photography taps into the soul and brings out the joy of freedom.
Reginald H.The heavens are higher than the earth symbolized by the globe, it is even higher than the Willis tower aka Sears Tower. It is higher than the flags along with the Willis Tower, and the new Ferris Wheel featured at Navy Pier. To err may be human, but heaven is always divine, and such are we.
Cheryl H.Enjoying the sun reflecting on the building while walking through the city.
Bobby L.I was so vain at one time until I finally opened my eyes in this photo and seen the world as a whole, our people and places and art come together in our religion as one.
Andrea C.Thank you! I took the stain glass picture at Holy Name Cathedral. I took the Chicago underground train station picture at the Harrison stop on the red line. This one is looking out the window of the Harold Washington Library.
John B.I love the way Chicago is. It is my kind of town. I take pictures.
Ralph C.I like taking pictures around the holidays because everything is so decorative. I like taking pictures of the Bulls, the Sox, the Blackhawks and the Cubs, all in Chicago because they are all winners.
Ronald G.Pictures of any kind are the procreating and production of two God-given eyes correlating and collaborating. If only the world can see straight, eye-to-eye, that would make one perfect picture of a perfect family.
Cheryl H.At a young age I was given a camera, and from there I just fell in love with photography, no schooling. Just a passion.
Ruben G.I love photography. It is great fun. I really enjoyed the classes and learning how to take pictures. Everybody at Catholic Charities has been so nice, and I am very grateful to them.
Daniel G.I like taking pictures hoping that someone will be inspired by what Chicago looks like through my vision of what I see.
Bobby L.I try to take photos that show beauty in its many forms. I have named my photos (for fun): A) High on LSD B) Beau Bridges C) Monet Tree D) Rhapsody in Blue
Barry G.The photo class program gives you a chance to use your imagination to create an artistic way to express your feelings about photography. The reflections of my images, I tried to bring out the beauty of the world.
William R.Up a Creek Be Still The Road to Oz Dr. Who
Barry G.The day is to be a man’s job. I like to walk and see the Chicago waters.
John L.This is a photo catch of Chicago’s Rye. One of many beautiful aspects of architectural foundation. Look, see, wonder.
Ralph W.Back to the show again. I love coming here. The pictures let me be creative. I like talking to the people that come to the show and I like to see the pictures of the other artists in the show. I take the camera with me everywhere I go. I always have my eyes open for different pictures that might jump out at me…This year I was at one of the races in Chicago and lucky enough that the city closed off the streets. I was able to take some pictures of the streets of Chicago without any traffic.… Read more
Mike B.I like to talk to others and see a new life Time is not good, I don have a job or home. Working for it all but pictures and the photo project are helping me to look up. Being with friends at the photo project has helped me.
John L.This is my first year in the photo class. The more I relaxed the more fun I started having. It you think it is beautiful it is probably a good picture.
Sandra D.I was born and raised in Chicago. A city of big buildings and beautiful people. When I take pictures this is my way to express myself, using the camera. I love it.
Robert N.I am so proud and humbled to be in this show. I have for so long been called a loser, good for nothing, never amount to anything person. Today I know I am none of those negative things. Having been clean and sober for seven years I can truly say I feel a part of something good. I see myself as being a photographer and an artist. I’m grateful for this social opportunity. I thank God for everyone involved in making this event successful.
Andy A.I live here in Chicago. I am an artist that really appreciate what Catholic Charities is doing with the photography sessions. Looking forward to doing more photo events with them.
Lamont S.I started photography as a hobby and it turned into a passion. I find it fascinating to shoot a sunrise and a sunset. Noticing how the colors change as the sun rises in the early morning is like God creating his art. Nothing to me can replace photographing God at this best artwork.
Tommy L.I love this project because it makes me feel proud taking pictures of doors, windows, plants, animals, and buildings. I do enjoy taking pictures; it makes me feel good about animals, plants, building, food, and myself.
Sandra W.Photography is my calling. I have been with the “After Supper Visions” program for 16 years. I am a pioneer of this program. It enabled me to show my love for my two sons through this art. Thank you for helping me to support my sons as a single parent.
Margaret A.I enjoy everything about the project. The day I took the photos, it was a bright, sunny day.
Regina H.The photography class was great. It gave me a chance to be creative and to see the beauty of God.
Tracey M.Winter comes to Spring in Douglas Park. A hidden jewel on Chicago’s west side is ready for its close up.
Kurt J.Stormy morning – waiting for the sun to rise. Geese and ducklings swimming and dipping in the water. Getting lost between sunrise and sunset. The beautiful colors, the dark blue water and skylights. Bird watching early morning – what did I miss? Beautiful colors of water and sky.
Ruby T.Photography is an art and I pray that my pictures are a good example of my talent as an artist.
Gerald G.I love photography. My late uncle was a photographer before he became a businessman. I love photography for the light, the color, the shadows, and all the varied shapes and dimensions. It is a wonderful hobby, and could turn out to be an extremely interesting profession. It’s also a fun way to be an artist.
Daniel G.ONLY IN MY MIND’S EYE Do I enjoy my perfect photographs. perfect subject, perfect lighting, perfect composition. I then raise my camera, release the shutter, and that original moment in time is gone forever, never to be repeated again. That short delay of the shutter, and dust on the lens, the printer’s inks, and even the texture of the photo paper, all conspire to distort my “perfect image”. It is with this in mind, that I sincerely hope that I can transport the v… Read more
Ray B.