ASV is pleased to be featured on the website of the Social Enterprise Alliance (SEA), a rapidly growing organization whose mission is to be the “champion for social enterprise in the United States.”
The SEA strives to provide social enterprise agencies with the tools and resources needed to help them maximize their effectiveness and be, as the SEA website states, “a force for positive social change, in service to the common good.” Since its inception in 1997, the SEA has been widely respected for its efforts to unite social enterprise organizations across the country, publicizing their efforts and helping them network, learn from and support one another. The SEA’s signature event had been the Social Enterprise Summit, a three-day national event that had a typical attendance of 500-700 participants, and featured respected speakers with a wide range of social enterprise experience. In 2012, the SEA has expanded to three regional summits, in response to its growing membership.
The SEA now has a national network of over 900 members, organized in thirteen chapters across eleven states. Its members include leading authorities on social enterprise, including business strategists, investors and public policy leaders. Catholic Charities is proud to be a member of the SEA since 2009.
Click here to read the SEA article on ASV: This article also will appear in the SEA November, 2012 Newsletter.
Artist Statements
People will forget what you said…But will never forget how you made this feel. A Adapted from Maya Angelou
Deborah A.It is very hard for me to get out. Taking the pictures I found relaxing and enjoyed doing more than I thought. I hope you find a picture you enjoy as much.
Daniel D.Please find smiles inside…
Mia G.I have been in the show for 3 years. I love taking pictures outdoors. The way the shadows fall, the way the color grows and flower. City life catches my eyes!
Roberta J.What I like about the project is that it was fun doing it and I hope some sell. I like water and the river because they are peaceful and quiet. I wanted to capture the moment.
Aaron C.I live here in Chicago. I am an artist that really appreciate what Catholic Charities is doing with the photography sessions. Looking forward to doing more photo events with them.
Lamont S.The heavens are higher than the earth symbolized by the globe, it is even higher than the Willis tower aka Sears Tower. It is higher than the flags along with the Willis Tower, and the new Ferris Wheel featured at Navy Pier. To err may be human, but heaven is always divine, and such are we.
Cheryl H.We only must tap into the very inter beings of our souls to awaken the art forms in us all. If you do not enjoy what you are doing you will never be good at it. By Luke Parker. If you don’t start somewhere, you’re gonna go nowhere. By Bob Marley. When you photograph people in color you photograph their clothes. When you photograph people in black and white you photograph their soul. Hippy Ted Grant
Deborah A.The sky is always open for us. Sometimes low, sometimes high, like our goals, short or long. Keep trying; keep working, eventually we will be there. Photography lets me share with others. We can see the different points of view, even seeing the same objects; like our lives.
Manami M.I love photography. It is great fun. I really enjoyed the classes and learning how to take pictures. Everybody at Catholic Charities has been so nice, and I am very grateful to them.
Daniel G.I started taking photos as a hobby. I was bored with a lot of free time. I started paying attention to the scenery that I took for granted every day. For example, sunrise, moon and sunshine. As dusk starts to settle in that’s when things get calm and relaxing, my perfect time for photos/photography.
Tommy L.I love this project because it makes me feel proud taking pictures of doors, windows, plants, animals, and buildings. I do enjoy taking pictures; it makes me feel good about animals, plants, building, food, and myself.
Sandra W.Had a good time doing it. Hope you love them as much as I do.
Paul S.Showing my pictures of outdoor nature and city landscape.
Donnell W.Bike photo: I wanted a straight photo with a diagonal feel to it. I thought it was cool to take a photo like this. I tried to grasp a photo that no one else takes – a unique perspective. I like my photos to be an art piece hung in someone’s living room or office space.
Anthony B.This is my second year doing the After Supper Visions show. I really enjoyed it. Last year I took the picture of the rose during the Christmas dinner at Catholic Charities, a reflection of another building hitting the garage made an interesting light show and a mirror image on glass with dancing rain on a stormy night.
Tracey B.The Catholic Charities is where I spend time doing things I like to do like taking photos of Chicago and yoga and whatever they have but most of all is taking photography.
Maurice C.When I am taking pictures of different things, I try to do the best I can. However, I take my time when I am shooting the pictures and find buildings and nice areas like parks and other clean places and community. Nevertheless, this is my first time being a photographer and it is very interesting and challenging. Therefore, I hope you all enjoy looking at my beautiful pictures. Thank you very much. P.S. I did my best.
Nathaniel G.The view from the river walk to the lake emphasizes the beauty of our city.
Valerie B.First, I would like to thank God for allowing me to grace the company of such loving people and their gracious hearts of compassion. Catholic Charities After Supper Visions project has been a lifesaver for me. To view the world as it truly is in all its splendor. The chance to inspire is my middle name when it comes to photography. Thanks to all involved.
Ralph W.It is amazing to join the 2017 photo show. Welcome to Chicago. A) L Train going south on Orleans St. B) A local “lodge” bar on Division and State. C) Eye catching of trees with different direction. D) Here we Chicagoans still have rules.
Sandra J.I like the photography because it makes me feel like I’ve done something important.
Love S.Children of a lesser God. Light a candle in the window until the morning light. Take hold of your dreams- hold them tight. The future of this world is in your hands. Carl Anderson 1991 (Judas-Jesus Christ Superstar).
Vernon J.Always needing to express my feelings toward the world of inventiveness, a perception of my imagination, to be an expression of freedom.
William R.I came to Catholic Charities to be in the class on Wednesday and one of my friends told me about the class on Tuesday. I love to take pictures of colors and shapes. Pictures to me is artwork. Each picture to me has a shape and color; it tells you a story about something. As a child, I was in art classes and I find art is a melody; it is also like a book with a beginning and an ending.
Lori V.Feels exciting to be part of the photo project. I got a chance to create something to capture nature and it makes me feel more of a part of creation.
Thomas L.Photography is like still poetry, looking through the lens of a camera, I try to find something that speaks directly to me. I love to escape. Photography is a perfect way to escape. When I am taking pictures, I go to a faraway place where I can become one with the camera, and nothing else matters. I love my photography class. I have learned how to hold a camera correctly, at the same time choose a view that speaks directly to me.
Eva M.My name is Ms. Sandra, I am pleased to see and continue my insight of the 2018 photos. Please enjoy.
Sandra J.Photography is a recording of expression. My expression is freelance; the ability to share a message, my message is peace and excitement.
Robert N.I like to talk to others and see a new life. Time is not good – I don’t have a job or home. Working for it all but pictures and the photo project are helping me to look up. Being with friends at photo project has helped me.
John L.My second time trying this medium for expression. I usually draw, paint or write. But this turned out to be very helpful in choosing what to capture on film. Also why to capture on film. So I can only say if it looks interesting I try to capture the interest.
Charles F.The photography class was great. It gave me a chance to be creative and to see the beauty of God.
Tracey M.The reason why I am writing this note is because I love to take nice pictures of buildings, cars, windows, animals and others too. Now, the reason why I take pictures is because it makes me feel good about myself. I need something positive to do. Photography is a nice thing to do, indoors and outdoors. Just holding a camera makes me feel special.
Sandra W.Back to the show again. I love coming here. The pictures let me be creative. I like talking to the people that come to the show and I like to see the pictures of the other artists in the show. I take the camera with me everywhere I go. I always have my eyes open for different pictures that might jump out at me…This year I was at one of the races in Chicago and lucky enough that the city closed off the streets. I was able to take some pictures of the streets of Chicago without any traffic.… Read more
Mike B.I am 48 years old, AA, disabled, single female; who is both an educated mason that is both poor and homeless. I am also a non-veteran, non-gang member, without children. Due to gentrification, I was evicted out of public housing after a quarter of a century. All praises and thanks to Father God and Catholic Charities. I am moving from being barred from low-income housing to the bus and park bench to a new home of my own. Step by step.
Michelle T.In my pictures, I have captured the beauty in objects and places with different medium, which allows me to express unique pictures.
Herman H.These three shots were done during the late day because I was trying to capture shade, light and shadow to produce a scene that would be appealing and comfortable to the eye. The third shot with bike was an expression of reflection, light, and shadow.
Maurice P.I love the “poetry” photo. When I was 14 years old Gwendolyn Brooks visited my High School and read her poems. It was my first introduction to a Poet Laureate. Ms. Brooks explained to my class the definition of a Poet Laureate. Ms. Brooks literally spoke these words “We Real Cool.” After Supper Visions teachers have inspired me. They are the reason why I took these photos.
Kim J.Up a Creek Be Still The Road to Oz Dr. Who
Barry G.When I took the pictures, I felt full of joy and happiness. I smelled the colorful flowers and was inspired to take the pictures. The statue was about church. I felt I needed to take the picture because it was a still life. The picture with the grass is full of green, which is my favorite color and most of all it was a beautiful day.
Markeara L.