Well Done, ASV 2018 Artists!

Yesterday was a very joyful day for the After Supper Visions program. The artists who participated in this year’s photo exhibition came to pick up their checks, for their artwork that was sold at the photo show and online since the weekend of June 8-10. As in previous years, the artists were gracious, grateful and so appreciative of the encouragement they receive, from Catholic Charities and from all those who support their work as photographers. Here are some comments overheard as the checks were being distributed:

“Wow, I can’t believe I sold that MANY photos- people must really like my photos.”

“Thank you for this opportunity.”

“Thank you for helping me with my photos.”

“Loved participating in the photo group.”

“This was my first year and I had so much fun at the party Friday night.”

“Next year I will try and talk to more people at the show.”

“Who knew I was an artist?”

And the comment heard repeated the most…

“I’m very excited about starting our new classes in September…when does the program start back up again?”

If you have not had the chance yet, scroll through the beautiful 2018 photographs recently uploaded on our HOME page. You can order prints, cards and photo gifts online at any time. We can also frame prints of any size for your office or home. To learn more, contact Katie Tuten at ktuten@catholiccharities.net. The artists receive payments on an ongoing basis when their photos are purchased.

The totals from the 2018 ASV Photo Exhibition are impressive. The June 8th, Friday Gallery Opening reception welcomed 515 guests, and 51 of the 77 participating artists were there to greet the attendees. Half of the artists visited Mary’s Closet and found wonderful outfits to wear for the photo show, and almost half of the artists were on hand to greet Saturday afternoon attendees. The artists collectively earned approximately $12,000 in total.

After Supper Visions extends sincere thanks to Catholic Charities administrators and the many volunteers who helped to make the photo show possible. In addition, we are deeply grateful to WGN-TV for featuring ASV in the “Around The Town” live segment on the day the photo show opened. Many new guests came to this year’s photo show…and we hope they will stay on to support the artists as they continue to explore their talents in photography. Congratulations to all, on a job so well done!




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